Sunday, September 21, 2008

Thank Rev. Lai for the dinner

Today,after service,we had our YPF session on how to spread the gospel to people of other faith. It was interesting,but yet I fell asleep.Not really fall asleep,but going to. Luckily Marcus woke me up just in time. So embarrassing! But that kept me awake for the rest of the lesson. So we went to the kitchen to talk and after a while, Yu'an went home. Then we continued to talk and we all decided to go home after a while. When we reached the MRT station, Yu'an called Wenling and asked her whether she and we all wanted to go and have dinner together. We all said ok and because Wei Ling got something to do,she can't go and Marcus sent her home,so he cannot go with us too. So we all tried to go there and thank God that we could find the place. Hahas. There was Rev. Lai, Shi Mu,Yu'an,Aunty Biqing,Xiao Hong,Jia Jun,Jia Ming,Jasmine,Jerry,Wei Wu,Mei Ling,Wen Ling,Darius and me. So we had dinner and we all went home. Rev. Lai paid the bill and I think we ought to thank him for the dinner. I think we also ought to give thanks for the sermon that Aunty Biqing preached today about the home and the church,the Sunday school where we learned about the book of Joshua and the YPF session and the Hymn singing class,where we learned how to glorify God through our voices. All in all, I want to thank God for putting TBC into my life and the wonderful salvation that He had for me. Amen

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