Saturday, December 20, 2008

18th December! The day has finally arrived! Our last concert and final concert! Ms Wee's last concert also!

18th December...
The day I somehow wished would not arrive...
But it did...
That would be the day where it would be the last concert for me,Meiling,Asrida,Hendra and Hajar...and also Ms Wee...
It was a day that I wished would never arrive...
BUT it was a day full of laughter rather than sadness...

When we arrived at the AKE room for the last time that morning,we were all geared up for Hendra's surprise:His 20th birthday!

Haha...we had our last practice(for the senior citizens) and rehearsal(for senior citizens and present AKE members). Aunty Wee told us to just enjoy the music and we did!

Then we had lunch,whereby I had no appetite,but Meiling was sweet enough to buy me some finger food and let me eat.Really touched by her sweet gesture.I eventually finished a portion of it on the bus,and the rest at night.(Ms Alicia also didn't eat,so i gave her an egg tart).

Then we all boarded the bus and went to RP.None of us talked about the phrase'Last performance for the seniors and Ms Wee.' We all were engaged in our own little conversations and I dare to say that we were not sad at all. Hahas...Maybe we were all trying to hide or we were really forgetting that it's the last performance!

Then we were at the dressing room getting ready! And I felt like a superstar,reason being very simple:Every Year 1 and 2 wanted to take picture!

Then we were on!

--------------I shall not cover the concert part cos it's draggy---------------------

After the concert,we took the bus back to school and we reached school at about 11 something. We were bushed but we were hyper(very contradictory). Hahas...

Eventually,me and Meiling took her dad's car back to my house 1st before they went back home.

We are like a family,practicing and eating and talking to Ms Wee!
To the Year 1s, it's fun to rehearse with all of you and I'm sure that you all will remember us when we come back to collect our results next year(even though I'm botak).

Year 2s, I'm grateful and encouraged to see everyone taking on their role seriously,especially Wei Siang. Hahas...We seniorS LOVE YOU!

Finally to Ms Angeline Wee:AKE LOVE YOU! WE WISH YOU ALL THE BEST AND WE WILL REMEMBER YOU ALWAYS! SEE YOU AT THE AIRPORT ON 4TH JAN 2009 AND 4TH JAN 2010(if your flight is that accurate la).


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