Monday, January 26, 2009


2 weeks of BMT in Pasir Ris Camp is no joke. It may seem tiring la,but at least I had grown stronger and fitter. It is quite surprising that im able to adapt well to the environment fast and also that i can be able to adapt to military life. maybe bcos i had been in scouts once,so i get to taste how discipline is like.but its a pity i cant take photos bcos of security reasons.But the training was fun and tough.i had both strict and nice instructors who can joke with us. hahas. sometimes it feels like NS is not such a bad thing after all.

after 2 weeks(to be exact,15 days),i finally get to relieve myself of the training bcos im booking out!! we all were excited cos it was our 1st book out. and when the bus came and took us to Pasir Ris MRT station,we all cheered like we all ORD like that...
haha. but come to think of it,its nice that we are going to see each other again and get to talk to each other about the things that happened at new year! and the most important thing is, i can get to know more brothers in Christ and be able to be a good testimony in the camp and be able to let others to see Christ in me! and i just wanna pray that i can continue to be able to reflect Him in my life and be able to lead others to Him! May all glory be to Him in the highest! Amen!

hope that i wont eat too much bcos im undergoing training again when i get back tmr!hahassss.....

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