Sunday, April 5, 2009

BMT Days.

So long nvr come here le...
feels so distant cos the last post is in jan...
now is april...
so fast...i POPed, Edgar is in NDU now and undergoing training,I going for my Basic Airborne Course(BAC)which is not easy cos I have to jump out of a completely functional airplane with the confidence that my parachute can open...

the BMT days were so fun...
push ups,sing songs while marching,Ray Rien's macho voice,the running here and there,the drawing of our 'wives' to clean and polish and oil,etc.....................
so many fond memories!!!!
certainly miss my BMT PL 1 mates...
now that we are in different and attending different things at the same time,and the memories are still there...
im sure that these are the fondest memories of my BMT life cos they are the ones who suffered,enjoyed,and have shed blood and sweat with me.

I will always remember them


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