Friday, August 8, 2008

Millennia Institute's NDP 2008

The day has finally come! Millennia Institute's NDP is at your door. This NDP is certainly different in the sense that there will be a slow march of the state flag and the school flag. And this will also be the 1st year that there will be a model helicopter carrying the state flag and flying past the parade when the national anthem is being played,just like a real parade. And I'm involved in the flag party! I must say that I'm really honoured because I get to carry the state flag and slow march in,along with three other guys,one from NCC(Land),one from NCC(Sea),and the other from NPCC,and one from NCDCC who is holding the school flag. The 5 of us will slow march in the state flag ans the school flag.

Initally,the evening before the actual thing,the sky was dark. Very DARK. Then I was scared that it will rain,so I prayed to God,and I thank God that He let the sky release its moisture at 8pm like that ,so I guess that there will not be any downpour the next day bahx. Hahas. I think those who have participated in a parade willl know my feelings right now. The happiness. Hahas. NDP le! Can't wait to don on my scout full uniform again and be in the flag party,just like last year!

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