Sunday, July 20, 2008

19th July.. The day the AKE seniors are looking forward to!

19th July. The day has finally arrived.It's a day that every AKE senior is looking forward to.The farewell party!It was a fun filled night!Everybody were very high,especially the seniors.I think it was because it may be the last time that we(the seniors)can be so high to each other.It seems that it was only yesterday that we organized the farewell party for our seniors,and the next time we know,we are the ones who will be attending as the graduating batch,not the people who are organizing! There were many people who were there,like the organizers(Mandy and Wei Siang),the other Year 1s(Sri,Weiling,Rebecca,Christina,etc.)Ms Wee and her son also arrived! It was the first time that Ms Wee actually attended a farewell party because she don't want to shed tears.And it was the 1st time that we saw her shed tears of joy and the fact that she will miss us!It was absolutely sad but the seniors make it feel like it was nothing,until the last game that we played,whereby we had to pass the raffia string on and on,and we have to thank the person whom we passed the string to.So when someone(I don't remember who)passed the string to Ms Wee and say all the thanks,Ms Wee broke down and went to the toilet(to de.)And the most surprising thing is.Ms Wee passed on to me and thank me for being a joker,for the laughter,the smiles,and the happy face that i put on,and the encouragement.(That makes me wonder:am I really that nice?) We had fun,laughter,and most importantly,the memories that we had for the past 3 years in AKE.It was the moment that I'm sure that none of us will never,ever forget.(Especially the seniors of 2008.)I wish AKE all the best for the years to come and may MIAKE get Gold with Honours in the SYF 2009! MIAKE,YOU CAN DO IT!!!GO GO GO!!!AKE ROCKS ALWAYS!!!Seniors,all the best for your A levels!!!

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