Friday, July 18, 2008

School on 18 th July is so exciting!

Wow! School is so exciting today! Got Wushu mass display! But very hot in the morning! But must do,so just do lor. Mr Ivan Lim wore a very nice costume! Then he do the Wushu that time very funny! But he too far away,so laugh at him also no use.(who knows,later kena detention because u laughed at him!) Then do a lot of times. Do until sweat lor. Haha. Then after we started with the second period of the day,which is GP. It's still ok la,even though we were sleepy,because of the Wushu.(It's not the exercise that make us tired,it's how the Wushu girl says the command that make us sleepy.Yawn!)Then after it's Maths. My friend thought its break,so he say,"Yay!Break le!" Then we all looked at him and were like huh! Then he asked me now not break ah,then i say no la. But Maths very boring,because I never bring any Maths stuff! So just sit there for 2 periods and borrow the Maths book from my friend and do some questions lor. Then after Maths,it's my favourite period:BREAK!!! Woohoo!!!(Oops,too random.) But it's was a good period. The boys sat together with the girls and we talked a lot lor.About everything under the Sun!Ya!Then after that,it GP again!Sian for 1 period,then I go AKE. Talked to Christina and Weiling about Wei Siang. Hahas.
Tmr is the party le! Ms Wee will be there too! Can't wait to see everyone! See You all tmr!!!

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