Thursday, July 17, 2008

School on 17th July is so sian

Wa... Cannot tahan ah.Today school is sian until cannot sian.OK la.Not that sian too,but there are some lessons that are enriching,and i actually got to revise something.For example,Maths.Today went through 3 questions from 3 different topics:Binomial Distribution,Poisson Distribution,and Probability.It's tough,nonetheless,and I must have killed a lot of my brain cells.but at least I learned something.Another lesson is GP.We had this teacher called Mr Rion Ang (my friend Edgar Ang keep on stressing that he don't get used to calling himself when he called the teacher,because both has the surname Ang,so I told him that I also don't get used to greeting myself when we greet the principal every morning,because I have the surname as my principal:Tan.) At first,I thought that the lesson was very boring,but it was OK in the end.(Although I slept quite a lot.) But everything was considered OK la.Not many interesting things happen today except that I learned new things.Still cannot get used to having 4 straight periods of 40 minutes each in the afternoon.

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