Saturday, July 5, 2008

Sharing of my testimony during the Youth Gospel Rally

Such a good opportunity to share with the people who will be there for the Youth Gospel Rally.It is also a good chance to share with people about God and how He had changed my life.Having a God who had made me into who I am today is indeed a good chance to tell my friends! Our life testimony is the best evidence of God's blessings and the provision He had for us! So let's not take this chance for granted and invite as many friends as possible and may He work in their hearts as they listen to the message by Marcus and the sharing of the testimonies that the brothers and sisters in Christ in the church.May we all work together in the name of the Lord and may He have mercy on the ones whom He will be saving at the youth gospel rally and may we glorify His name! May God shower His blessings on all the personnel and we be the light and salt to our friends!Amen!

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